Comments on: The Science of Accomplishment – 30 Motivational Skills To Get Your New Year’s Resolution Done Happiness: Backed by Science Fri, 15 Feb 2019 20:44:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marek Mon, 21 Mar 2016 05:41:50 +0000 Hi!

What an amazing work! SO much information in one place, smoothly served, better than perfect!

I have paid for some information you are sharing here and your form is so much better!

Thanks a thousand times!

If you would enjoy a tiny tip of advice in return mine would go to marriage pre mortem and would be: never stop committing time to your spouse – and make it exlusive. And do it for life, until the day you die. Simplest suggested form that I have heard of is dating. Reserve one evening in every week for dates, e.g. all Thursday nights are date nights, for live. Obviously this will be changing as things happen and children happen 😉 but never give up such habit of spending time with your wife exclusively – and not on bills or kids’ problems but together, on your dreams, emotions or just with yourselves.

Thanks again!

By: MamieJane Mon, 22 Feb 2016 12:19:54 +0000 So grateful for this article. I have been reading and digesting it in small chunks. Thank you for writing this–

By: Amit Amin Mon, 21 Jan 2013 04:57:21 +0000 In reply to Ralph.

Ralph – that’s an excellent quote, thanks for sharing!

I consider accomplishment a skill, but it’s not a far stretch to think of it as a habit, after all, skills are just a collection of well trained, coordinated habits. As I start new projects, I’ve found myself automatically apply some of the sub-skills I once struggled with. I suppose my skill level has become proficient enough that they’ve started to become habits.

Thanks for dropping by and sharing some of that great perspective!

By: Ralph Sun, 20 Jan 2013 22:56:05 +0000 Excellent! Truly!

The skill of accomplishment seems to be the most valuable thing I am hearing lately. I spoke to a group of about 60 Executives for a Fortune 500 company last month. I was to follow the CEO’s presentation. He said something that I’m taking with me this year.
“The way you do one thing, is how you do everything”

I think accomplishment is a habit or skill and it is evident in everything we do. Great reminder!

By: Lee J Tyler Wed, 16 Jan 2013 16:34:11 +0000 In reply to Amit Amin.

Funny, you seem smarter than me. How did you get a pagerank of 2? Smarts. It gets very frustrating when your body, which used to do so much, turrns on you. I wish dearly that I could sit up at a desk for an amount of time. How is it that you went from that to running? They can’t do surgery on me because it’s a systemic problem and they’d just have to replace the joints again in 1 1/2 yrs. I told them to so a zipper in me 😉 How is it that you went from cane to running? Was it the autoimmune as well? Look at you. I am so proud of you-or rather to know you because you have overcome huge obstacles and look at you now. Was it the fibro alone? If you want to take this comment off and put it through my contact page feel free. I am just amazed at you.

By: Amit Amin Wed, 16 Jan 2013 15:48:09 +0000 In reply to Lee J Tyler.

Yeah – I think a certain amount of stress is good. The key is to contain it to a short period of time, keep it exciting, and rest afterwards. The stress from anti-charity is like that. The stress from other things, like chronic pain, not so much…. not so healthy either.

I could list off a bunch of exercises I’ve read… but they would likely be nothing new to you. And besides, I’ve yet to find anything as effective as exercise. Even meditation has its limits (at least with me).

But depending on what you’ve got left, you could get creative. There was a period of two years when I couldn’t much use my arms and could only use my legs enough to hobble on a cane. I ended up developing abs and a neck which are still strong, years later (abs, by tightening my abs and then breathing, neck by doing resistance exercises with the help of a friend). I was never able to get a cardio workout from them… but you seem smarter than me 🙂

By: Lee J Tyler Wed, 16 Jan 2013 12:15:06 +0000 In reply to Amit Amin.

Less stress makes a happier human. Take it from someone with lupus sle and aggressive r.a. The more you stress, the more your body reacts by swelling to the point that, no matter how many organs they take out, there is just no more room in the skin. I think you understand where I’m coming from. I know you, Kaylee and I have our struggles. With a broken back, I can’t relieve stress by exercising anymore. Have any suggestions?

By: Amit Amin Wed, 16 Jan 2013 12:05:17 +0000 Ah, despite the impression my long post generates, I’m a fairly lazy fellow. I’ll stick with blog post and eBook 🙂

Actually, it’s not so much laziness as me bouncing around too much. Perhaps I should take some time to reuse this information… although a PowerPoint Presentation reminds me a bit too much of my prior occupation.

Thank you, I’m glad you liked!

By: Amit Amin Wed, 16 Jan 2013 11:56:27 +0000 Thank you! 🙂

Thanks to my implementing some of the methods listed above (this article was as much for me as it was for the readers), I find myself getting more done in less time – for the first time since starting this blog, I’m ahead of schedule. After another week, I should have enough material lined up that I can take a month break to focus on the eBook.

By: Amit Amin Wed, 16 Jan 2013 11:52:54 +0000 In reply to Lee J Tyler.

Hi Lee,

If you’d like, I’d be happy to be your anti-charity 😉

Jokes aside, the NRA is a fantastic motivator – I think the second amendment has long outlived its usefulness. I find myself getting twice as much done in half the time. My goal is to eventually transition away though, towards less stress inducing sources of motivation.
