13 Steps to Get Along with Difficult People

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Each and every one of us has likely encountered someone difficult to get along with.  You may even be going through it right now.   In fact, as you are reading this, I bet you have one or two people in mind that the word “difficult” applies to.  C’mon. Don’t be shy. Admit it. Whether … Read more

Superficial People: 11 Warning Signs of a Shallow Person

superficial people | characteristics of a superficial person | superficial person

Are you concerned that someone you just met, a close friend or perhaps even the partner lying next to you in bed, is a superficial person? You are not alone in these concerns… and you are not crazy to have them. There are millions of superficial people wandering around this world of ours. So it … Read more

Couples Bucket List: 69 Fun Activities to Do Together

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If you are lucky enough to have found that special someone to share your life with… you’re probably counting your blessings. You are also probably starting to daydream about the future… the things you’d like to see and do, the places you’d like to go. It’s only natural. Be it a long-term partner, fiance or … Read more

9 Reasons Why YOU Are What You Attract

you are what you attract | you are what you attract meaning | reasons why you are what you attract

You have probably heard people say you attract what you put out there… of feel that you deserve. In other words, what you attract is a reflection of you. And, as a result, you become what you attract. So, what types of people do you attract? What types of situations tend to find you? If … Read more

15 Printable Fall Leaves Coloring Pages

fall leaves coloring pages | fall leaves coloring pictures | fall leaves to color and print

Looking for some lovely fall leaves coloring pages that you can enjoy this season? If so, you’ve come to the right page! In this post, we share with you 15 printable fall leaves coloring pages that can make your family’s bonding moments more exciting. Coloring is a fun way to spend the fall season at … Read more

17 Farm Animal Coloring Pages That Are Printable and Free

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Are you looking for a unique way to introduce farm animals to your children? If so, then why not try the wonderful recreational activity of coloring? In addition to learning, you and your children can also use this time to strengthen your relationships. Coloring is also a great way to reduce your stress and anxiety. … Read more

115 Best Conversation Starters for Couples to Connect [2022 Update]

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Do you want to have deep, meaningful conversations with your partner, but don’t know where to start? They say that being able to talk to your partner is one of the keys to having a successful relationship. Actually, having conversations with anyone builds and strengthens all types of relationships. But now and then we all … Read more

21 Bible Verses About Helping Others in Need

bible verses about helping others | bible verses about helping others through hard times | bible verses about caring for others

Helping others and doing volunteer work can give you a great sense of joy and fulfillment. It can make you feel alive, grateful, and satisfied all at once. When you extend your hand to another, it is as if you have accomplished something that can change the world. And even if you don’t notice, it … Read more

35 Best Songs about Moving On and Letting Go

songs about moving on | songs about moving on in life | moving on songs

Whether we are sad, happy, confused, or ecstatic, we often turn to music to express and acknowledge our emotions. Today, we are focusing on music that can help you heal your broken heart. We have compiled a list of the best songs about moving on and letting go to help you navigate the process of … Read more