9 Best Minimalist Books to Live a Simplified Life

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Still haven’t decided whether or not to pursue a minimalist lifestyle? Minimalism can be very challenging, especially when you are new to it. Can you really let go of the things that you don’t necessarily need, but that you still want? It’s a tough decision, and you want to be sure before you dive in … Read more

9 Best Books on Spiritual Awakening & Enlightenment for 2022

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What does it mean to be spiritually awakened and enlightened? And how exactly do you go about becoming spiritually awakened and enlightened? People often relate spirituality to religion, but these are actually two different things. While religion is an institutional belief in a particular deity, spirituality is a experience that goes far beyond our categorical … Read more

Book Review: Flourish – Creating a Happiness by Using the Concept of PERMA

Flourish Book Review

Want a review and summary of Martin Seligman's book, “Flourish”?

Perhaps something with a bit of insight mixed in? If so you have come to the right place.

We humans all have the same innate desires – we all want to flourish. 

Flourish is a book from the great psychologist Dr. Martin Seligman. He wrote the books Authentic Happiness, Learned Optimism and the brand new The Hope Circuit.

He achieved his initial fame as the proponent of the theory of learned helplessness.  Seligman is also the founder of positive psychology.

Flourish has four major components I will discuss:

  1. PERMA – his new encompassing theory of happiness.
  2. Simple positivity exercises can have a profound effect when made into a habit.
  3. Success in life is based on character and motivation. IQ plays a part, but not as much as most people think.
  4. His viewpoint of psychology and psychiatry, and of the necessity of positive psychology.

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Book Review: Becoming the Iceman

Be prepared for the amazing story of becoming the Iceman. Becoming the Iceman is the autobiography of two people.  Wim Hof, a man who routinely goes for swims in ice water.  Completed a full marathon in the polar circle. And climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in nothing but shorts (no shoes!). Wim also set 18 world records. The second storyline is … Read more