Intentional Living: 8 Strategies to Live According to Your Values

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I think you’ll agree with me when I tell you… Many of us go through life surviving rather than thriving. We’re not really living our lives. What I mean by that is we go through each day reacting to whatever comes up.  Instead of doing what we really want to do, we end up doing … Read more

Famous Introverts: 27 Successful People Who Are Also Introverted

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Do you ever feel like something is wrong with you just because you don’t like joining groups or attending social gatherings? Or have you ever felt so shy in the midst of a crowd that you just wanted to disappear? First things first: There is nothing wrong with you. You are probably an introvert, and … Read more

What is the Johari Window Model? A Comprehensive Guide

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If assigned a group project in a class, most students will inevitably be displeased and provide negative feedback and resistance to the suggestion. The Johari Window model can help people to learn more about themselves, and the situations they face in life. Complaining of imbalanced work ethics and uneven contribution efforts, most people are not … Read more

How to Deal with Energy Vampires: 6 Quick Strategies

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October brings the spooky holiday of Halloween, when ghosts and goblins, trick or treat, and pumpkins are carved. Monsters, ghouls and vampires sneak out of the shadows and scare us as we jump in our seats and scream at the screen. Thankfully, those diabolical creatures of terror live in the world of fiction, even as … Read more

7 Steps to Stop Being Bitter in Life

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You will probably agree with me when I say that being  bitter is a perfect recipe for an unhappy, burdened life. There are different stages and types of bitterness, but it typically starts with anger or emotional hurt. I have been down that path, and am happy to say that there’s a solution to all … Read more

I Don’t Know What to Do With My Life: 5 Steps to Discover Your Life Purpose

I dont know what to do with my life | life purpose examples | how to find your purpose and passion in life

Have you ever felt that your existence in this big universe is dispensable, that you are a tiny speck that will not be remembered for a long time? Do you think that you are living a self-absorbed life with nothing to look forward to? Do you feel that you are living a monotonous life where … Read more

How to Get Your Life Together: 15-Day Plan for Taking Control of Your Future

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Are you struggling with getting your life together? Or simply want some tips on how to improve your life? If so, then there is a proven plan to take back control and create a better future for yourself. Stewart Friedman, in his book ‘Leading the life you want’ lays down six different life narratives to … Read more

How to Stop Being Cynical: 11 Proven Strategies

​Are you a cynic? If so, do you feel this behavior is limiting your personal development? You might describe yourself as someone who likes to keep it real—someone who often gives sarcastic responses to most questions and conversation topics. Unfortunately, always acting cynical can have a long-term negative impact on your happiness. If you’d like … Read more