31 Affirmations for Positive Thinking That Will Change Your Life

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Have you ever heard the saying, “You are what you eat”?  

Well, in reality, “We are what we speak” too. Think about it.

What we say has a lot to do with what we believe, and in it is found the architecture that frames our lives.

What we think and how we feel about ourselves shapes the outcome of our days, determines the foundation of our personal relationships and fuels the vehicle to our success.  Simply put, it has a significant impact on our expectations out of life and the people and opportunities that we attract.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive declarations we can make to ourselves as a tool to overcome negative thought patterns and self-sabotaging behaviors.  When we make positive affirmations, rehearsing them within our hearts and minds, we are more likely to believe them and experience positive changes as a result.

For affirmations to really be impactful in your life, you must know deep down within yourself that they are true, even if it is hard to see at the moment.  For more on the power of your words, visit this influential “I Speak Life” blog.

It can be easy to speak negatively about our lives when things aren’t going as planned. For example, many make affirmations of being fat and unattractive if they have gained a few pounds.  Others speak wrong affirmations when experiencing feelings of betrayal, discrediting themselves because they feel they “should have seen it coming.”

Negative affirmations are like people finding themselves in a hole and trying to “dig” their way out.  The key to positivity in that situation is to stop digging.  The hole will keep getting deeper, leading to a worse emotional problem than momentary shame, hurt, and discomfort.

An affirmation is like a seed in the ground.  It grows roots down within the soil before it breaks ground and grows upward into a beautiful flower.

Positive affirmations should be spoken first thing in the morning and continued throughout the day.  They are the water that you add to the seed, even when it doesn’t seem any change has taken place.  Rest assured, like watering a seed in the ground, your affirmations will help you see significant growth within your life. Then, like a flower, you'll get to enjoy the beautiful results of it in the end. More quotes and affirmations can be found here.

The following are 31 Affirmations for Positive Thinking That Will Change Your Life

1. I have much to offer.

Some of us haven't even scratched the surface of what we can be and accomplish in life because we feel we don't have much to offer.  However, feelings come and go, and this whole time we've likely been showing the world just how much we have to offer.  Others see it, but we must believe it for ourselves and speak it.

2. I am strong.

We don’t look like what we’ve been through.  In fact, we have survived many situations that caused others to give up or graduate this life.  This powerful affirmation will remind us daily of how capable we are of accomplishing the most challenging things.

3. I have a brilliant mind.

We have such a unique perspective on situations that no one else has. As a result, we add a valuable piece to the puzzle on our jobs and in our communities. Ideas, inventions, and strategies are meant to flow from our brilliant minds.

4. I am beautiful.

When we look in the mirror and don’t like what we see, it doesn’t diminish who we are.  We are our own worst critics.  Instead, declare “I am beautiful!” and begin to display your unique style.  Wear the dress that makes you feel beautiful.  Style your hair in a way that looks cute, and walk into your day with confidence!

5. I am enough.

When we are single, we can receive pressure from our parents, co-workers, friends, and other people in relationships around us.  Many are questioning when we’ll be married.

Affirmations for Positive Thinking - I am enough. | affirmations for positive thinking confidence and success | affirmations for positive thinking morning |positive affirmations to say everyday

Others try to fix us up on blind dates, and the rest think our standards are too high.  It can all be overwhelming! So tell yourself today, “I am enough!” My happiness doesn't depend on my relationship status. 

6. I love myself.

This affirmation is so powerful because the power to love oneself is the glue that holds all other affirmations together.  Love helps us forgive ourselves, see the best in ourselves, and celebrate when we do good.  It also gives us the needed ability not to hold the past against ourselves.  Click here for more insight on how powerful love really is.

7. I am proud of myself.

It is always important to celebrate small successes in life.  And when no one is there to pat you on the back, be confident enough to say, “I'm proud of myself!” You know what it took to accomplish the things you have accomplished.

8. I am brave.

Sometimes just getting up in the morning and putting one foot in front of the other is a brave move.  Making the proclamation of saying “I am brave” gives us the confidence that we need to navigate the uncertainty that life brings us each day.

9. I am important.

Many of us have such a giving nature, having the tendency to put others' feelings and needs before our own.  However, it is essential to our mental health that we remember that we, too, are essential and should be priorities.

10. I will not live in regret.

Don’t let thoughts of “I could have” or “I should have” get you down.  Because of the things that you have been through to get you to where you are today, you are better able and more equipped to successfully navigate through the rest of your life.  Today is a brand-new opportunity to accomplish your goals.

11. Today is going to be a great day!

Perspective is so important.  We've heard people talk about a cup half full or a cup half empty. It all has to do with perspective.  We can see the day's challenges as obstacles to hinder us from accomplishing our goals. But, on the contrary, we can positively affirm that those same obstacles are just opportunities for us to learn, grow wiser, and grow stronger.

12. I am grateful for everything I have.

Chances are everything that you are blessed with in your life came from your own hard work, blood, sweat, and tears. But, on the other hand, maybe they came as a gift from someone who greatly loves and appreciates you, someone whose life you have impacted.  Be proud of that. 

13. I am in control of my feelings.

Feelings are like a body of water, a river, for example.  When the storms of life blow and get into our emotions, like water, those feelings can get out of control and flood into other areas of our lives.  It can ruin a good thing. So it's better to be purposeful about controlling our feelings and how we allow things to affect us mentally.

14. It’s ok if I messed up.  Failure is not final.

None of us are perfect.  We know this because we are hardest on ourselves.  This affirmation helps us to realize that a mistake is not the end of the world.  On the contrary, it is a learning experience we can grow from and help others avoid.

15. I make good decisions.

This powerful affirmation is a great reminder to meditate on throughout the day. It also helps us either avoid quick decisions that got us off track in the past or move forward from past mistakes that made us fearful of moving forward.

16. I can be anything I want to be.

You have all the tools you need to succeed within you. Positivity affirming it daily will reinforce it in your heart, even when you got weary in the process and tempted to give up.

17. I am a person of influence.

Others see something great in you, something unique that gives them the desire to be great themselves. So be bold and leave your stamp in the world.

18. I only compare myself with myself.

Comparison can be deceptive.  Many of us compare ourselves with others we see on social media.  In reality, those people only put out the good stuff to project the image they want others to see.  It takes up to 5 photos, on average, before a person posts one selfie.  So, don’t take the bait.  Only compare yourself with the person you were yesterday.

19. I don’t know it all, and that’s ok.

When facing a situation in life when we don’t know which direction to go in next, it’s ok to be ok with not knowing it all.  

Affirmations for Positive Thinking - I don’t know it all, and that’s ok. | 365 daily affirmations | short positive affirmations | positive affirmations

Those are the times where we can lean on others.  It shows us we are not alone.  In addition, we can learn from the experience, and relying on others strengthen our sense of community.

20. I will face my fears today.

This is the day fear will not win.  Boldly proclaim, “I will face my fears today!” No longer will we be paralyzed by what-ifs.  An acronym for fear is:





Fear lies to us about the greatness we possess inside.

21. I am creative.

Everything we see, whether a chair, a building, a car, or a home, all starts with a creative idea. You have the fantastic ability within you to create.  Tap into it by positively affirming “I am creative” and making the world you wish to see.

22. Others judging me won’t affect me.

People often judge us by where they found us in life. For example, there was once a man who was down on his luck. First, he lost his job, where he was earning six figures a year. Next, the man went through a rough divorce. Then, after living off credit cards for months and falling into substance abuse, he found himself homeless.

While there, he was mistreated by others and treated poorly, but he was unaffected by their treatment.  He got sober, cleaned up, and rebuilt his life again.  He did it to prove something to himself that he could accomplish the life he desired.  That he was worth it.  No matter how people treated him in the process.

If you're successful, many feel it came easy. If you fail, people think you're not trying hard enough.  You have nothing to prove to anyone but yourself.

23. My ideas matter.

You have a piece of the puzzle to bring to the table.  Your unique perspective on an issue is just the thing to shake up the boardroom or the organization you're involved in. So don't sit back silently and keep those great ideas inside of you.

24. I am patient and kind.

These two go hand in hand because when we aren't very patient with others, we usually aren't as kind to them either. So it's best to proclaim this, knowing that we wouldn't be where we are in life if someone hadn't been patient and kind to us.

25. I will find joy in the simple things today.

Take a moment to breathe.  Go to the park, go for a walk, sit under the stars, smell the burning of firewood on a brisk night, look at the beautiful butterflies as they flutter by.  You could also go on a picnic, watch a movie, eat some popcorn, or enjoy a bowl of ice cream.  Take a moment to find joy in life’s simplest pleasures.

26. I will find opportunities to bless others today.

Have you ever heard the saying, it is more blessed to give than to receive?  It is vital as we achieve levels of success in our lives that we also have a heart that seeks to give back.  Sowing seeds of positivity into others set us up later to reap the rewards.  Find joy in seeing others blessed.

27. I am healthy, and my mind is strong.

With age, it is normal for a person to experience a decline in physical health and lapses in memory. However, when we affirm that we are healthy and strong, we strengthen our determination to keep pushing.  We also involve ourselves with activities to help us achieve those physical and mental goals.

28. My resolve is more potent than my excuses.

It could be natural to want to stay down and regroup after a person falls down and takes a hard bump or two.  This affirmation is to encourage us not to stay down.  In addition, we must say to ourselves that we will not be defeated by the thing that knocked us down.  Excuses give us a reason to give up and not try, but we’re too strong and resilient for that – nothing will keep me down.

29. Good things are coming my way.

Some things in life we just don’t find because we’re not looking.  Have you ever heard the saying, “If it were a snake, it would have a bit me”?  It means a thing we were looking for was right on there are noses, and we didn't see it. So when we declare, “good things are coming my way,” we raise our level of expectation concerning life's outcomes.

30. I will tell others how important they are to me.

In life, there are two types of people that we encounter, those who diminish our lives and those who enhance it.  No one can diminish the value of our lives, but they lower the quality of the moments we spend with them.

Affirmations for Positive Thinking - I will tell others how important they are to me. | positive thoughts and affirmations | affirmations for positive thinking morning | short positive affirmations

So, affirming that we will tell others how important they are to us, we show great appreciation for the value they add to us.  We cherish the moments that we spend with them as well as the lasting effects afterward. So, we're declaring “I'm better because of you” and “I am better with you” in my life.

31. I add value to every environment I grace with my presence.

So many don't reach out to others or go to certain places because they feel uncomfortable.  We often think this way because we fail to see the value we add to our environment.

By making this affirmation daily, we are laying hold on all 30 declarations before this one, wrapped in one.  We enhance every environment because we’re bold.  We improve every environment because we're smart.  We enhance every environment because we are creative.

We make others better because of our excellent mindset.  We enhance others around us because we're patient people, showing kindness and generosity wherever we go.  We enhance every environment because we are joyful people, not judgmental, angry, or bitter.

We are influential because we make good decisions, and we have so much to offer.

More on Empowering Affirmations

The key to a successful life and accomplishing great things can be found in our positive outlook on life.  That outlook can be cultivated through positive affirmations.   

We are what we speak. We are what we think. 

You owe it to yourself to speak and think highly of yourself… and surround yourself with good people that enrich your soul and your life.

For more positive affirmations that will help you maintain a positive perspective on life and benefit you as you create the life you desire, visit 55 Positive Affirmations for Moms to Reduce Their Stress & Anxiety – Happier Human.

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