Three Good Things, A Small Gratitude Exercise for a Large Boost of Happiness

You can increase your long-term happiness by almost 10% with a simple, fun and free 5-minute exercise.1 Here’s the exercise:  “Write down three things that went well each day and their causes every night for one week. In addition, provide a causal explanation for each good thing.” That’s it. We spend tens of thousands of … Read more

How to Harness the Power of Laughter for a Better Life

Laughter is the best medicine. I am sure you have heard that one. Laughter can make you feel better. It can actually help you heal. Laughter reduces stress. A lot of laughter will help improve your immune system. And it certinaly works to improve your mood by increasing your happiness. It probably seems obbvious to … Read more

The Sweet Tune of June: a month of happiness

Month of Happiness

I have this problem. I’m interested in EVERYTHING. That’s bad – because want to provide YOU with value. I can’t do that unless I focus on a few things, one at a time. So I’ve declared June the Month of Happiness. Every weekday, I’m going to post one idea for making you a Happier Human. … Read more

The Startling Truth about How Psychostimulants Effect your Body and Mind (and a Better Way)

What is a psychostimulant?  How can it affect your mood and happiness? What is a common pyschostimulant that most adults consume on a daily basis? How does this stimulant effect your body?

Is there a better way to get the same positive effect as a psycostimulant  without any side effects?

This article will answer all ths questions on the effects of pyschostimulants and give you a simple idea to get the same effects with no negative side effects.

Ready? Lets get to it….

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How to Fake a Smile For Health and Happiness

Is it good to fake a smile? Is the best thing with smiling, “fake it til’ you make it“. Or does this just lead to more repressed negative emotions that will someday boil over? This post discusses the reasons we fake a smile, when not to do it and how to do properly fake a … Read more

The Inside Job: How Happy Happens

Joy begets joy.

You probably know at least a few people who are eternal, effervescent bundles of bliss: no matter how tiring or challenging their day, they just exude happiness. And whenever they enter a room, every person inside it lights up like a holiday tree, catching some of their pleasure, if only momentarily.

Ever wonder what they're doing differently?

Here's their ‘secret', according to Jonathan Haidt, author of The Happiness Hypothesis:

They were born lucky. They won the cortical lottery. Digest these quotes from the research article, Beyond the Hedonic Treadmill:

  1. Research has shown over and over again “that one's level of well-being is reasonably stable over time (Eid & Diener, 2004).”
  2. “Behavioral genetic studies show that well-being is moderately heritable.” Identical twins raised apart “were much more similar in their levels of well-being than were dizygotic [fraternal] twins who were reared apart.” (Tellegen et al. 1988)
  3. “Whereas any single demographic factor typically correlates less than .2 with well-being reports…. personality tends to correlate much more strongly with well-being.” Personality… changes little over a person's lifetime (Deiner & Lucas, 1999).

Hmmm. That's great news for those born happy. Kinda sucks for me.

I definitely didn't win the cortical lottery. 

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Book Review: Flourish – Creating a Happiness by Using the Concept of PERMA

Flourish Book Review

Want a review and summary of Martin Seligman's book, “Flourish”?

Perhaps something with a bit of insight mixed in? If so you have come to the right place.

We humans all have the same innate desires – we all want to flourish. 

Flourish is a book from the great psychologist Dr. Martin Seligman. He wrote the books Authentic Happiness, Learned Optimism and the brand new The Hope Circuit.

He achieved his initial fame as the proponent of the theory of learned helplessness.  Seligman is also the founder of positive psychology.

Flourish has four major components I will discuss:

  1. PERMA – his new encompassing theory of happiness.
  2. Simple positivity exercises can have a profound effect when made into a habit.
  3. Success in life is based on character and motivation. IQ plays a part, but not as much as most people think.
  4. His viewpoint of psychology and psychiatry, and of the necessity of positive psychology.

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