9 Best Minimalist Books to Live a Simplified Life

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Still haven’t decided whether or not to pursue a minimalist lifestyle? Minimalism can be very challenging, especially when you are new to it. Can you really let go of the things that you don’t necessarily need, but that you still want? It’s a tough decision, and you want to be sure before you dive in … Read more

9 Best Books on Spiritual Awakening & Enlightenment for 2022

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What does it mean to be spiritually awakened and enlightened? And how exactly do you go about becoming spiritually awakened and enlightened? People often relate spirituality to religion, but these are actually two different things. While religion is an institutional belief in a particular deity, spirituality is a experience that goes far beyond our categorical … Read more

The 11 Best Meditation Books for Beginners and Experts

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Looking for the best meditation books you can read to start or continue your meditation practice? Meditation brings a lot of benefits. It reduces stress and anxiety, enhances self-awareness and consciousness, increases happiness and life satisfaction, and a lot more. But it can also be a difficult activity to start. Even expert meditators find it … Read more