The 3 Psychological Needs We All Share (And How They Relate to Happiness)

what are psychological needs | 3 basic psychological needs | importance of psychological needs

Have you ever wondered why you do the things you do? What drives you to pursue a certain career path? Why do you invest in relationships? What motivates you to achieve mastery in your field of work or study? The answer is – needs. Needs are the driving force behind our every action and decision. … Read more

What is the Johari Window Model? A Comprehensive Guide

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If assigned a group project in a class, most students will inevitably be displeased and provide negative feedback and resistance to the suggestion. The Johari Window model can help people to learn more about themselves, and the situations they face in life. Complaining of imbalanced work ethics and uneven contribution efforts, most people are not … Read more

Can Stress Cause Bedwetting in Adults? Yes, But It Depends…

can stress cause bedwetting in adults | occasional bedwetting in adults | bed wetting at 40 years old

Have you ever woken up to discover you wet the bed in your sleep? If so, your first instinct is to wonder what happened. If you’ve been stressed out lately, you might wonder if your anxiety was the cause. Bedwetting is a problem many adults experience but don’t often talk about. After all, wetting the … Read more

The 5 Types of OCD and How to Deal with Your Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

types of ocd | checking ocd | types of ocd test

Take a moment to think about your everyday life. Do you check your door a couple of times after you lock it? Or perhaps you wake up in the middle of the night several times to check if all the windows in your apartment are firmly closed. Do you find it impossible to part from … Read more

5 Simple Ways to Be in the Present Moment

be in the present moment | be present in the moment | how to be present in the moment always

Have you ever found yourself worrying about different things? Have you ever felt that big events and celebrations of your life are often clouded by a sense of worry and stress? These feelings are so common among people. Humans are the wisest species of them all, and they get this label because of their ability … Read more

Maladaptive Daydreaming Causes: How to Stop Daydreaming Today!

How to stop maladaptive daydreaming | Causes of maladaptive daydreaming | maladaptive daydreaming

Have you ever noticed how our mind tends to drift whenever we have a slow day at the office? Or perhaps you enjoy spending your free time in bed, looking at the ceiling and imagining different scenarios. For some of us, fantasy is a way of finding creative solutions to complicated problems. Others, however, resort … Read more

6 Authentic Ways to Deal with Social Anxiety in ANY Situation

social anxiety | how to overcome social anxiety | how to deal with social anxiety

​For those of you who experience social anxiety, you know firsthand the isolation that follows. Being uncomfortable at social events, parties, and other gatherings, can affect your friendships or intimate relationships. And relationships, both platonic and romantic, are one of the pillars of happiness. In fact, research has shown that positive relationships could be the … Read more